nashville munich cuernavaca
Alejandra Villegas was born in Oaxaca in 1977. She began her formal studies at the Rufino Tamayo Art Atélier in Oaxaca and has studied extensively since. Notable masters with whom she has studied and/or collaborated include Roger von Gunten and Felipe Ehrenberg, Magali Lara and Roberto Parodi.
While inspired by the colors of her home and a faithful custodian of Oaxacan symbols such as trees, birds and light, Alejandra represents a marked departure from traditional Oaxacan painting. She is an advocate of a distinctly different approach and her work cannot be evaluated outside of the context of enduring masculine hegemony with which she has been confronted. This is particularly the case for her Oaxacan paintings, but is present in the various "travelling series" she paints during or immediately after her frequent travels.
Alejandra has exhibited extensively at home and abroad.